Ultimate CM Plus™ - 90 capsules (4 Pack)

Product Details
Employing nutritional strategies to effect change means working with Mother Nature. Instead of forcing a physiological response the way that pharmaceutical drugs often do, it merely sets the stage. When it comes to supporting musculo skeletal function the process can be slow, indeed. No one holds a stopwatch to Mother Nature.
To at least temporarily relieve the pain and inflammation (from arthritis, strains, sprains and simple backaches) and also to, more importantly, open pathways for nutrients and oxygen to enter and toxins to exit, Dr. Wallach Youngevity offer the CM Plus Cream and the CM Plus Capsules. Each features a grouping of fatty acid esthers that can help make the long journey to optimal skeletal health bearable. Hit inflammation from the inside with the capsules and from the outside, topically, on the worst of swollen joints from the outside. The CM Plus capsules contain a clinically proven, patented (U.S. Patent #5 569 676) breakthrough compound that includes cetl myristoleate, an all-natural pain mediating substance.*