Toddy 90 Pak™

Product Details
The Toddy 90 Pak contains the full spread of 90 nutrients essential to human health but, to keep the price low, in much smaller quantity than in some of the other 90 For Life product combinations. If you are new to Dr. Wallach’s world of self-health through smart supplementation, wish to experience the entire package of all 90 but feel a little nervous about spending $200 or $300 per month, this grouping of product may be perfect for you. For many it only makes sense to dip your toes in the water before jumping in. The Toddy 90 Pak is a truly economical way to get your feet wet.
The Toddy 90 Pak differs from the other smaller quantity / lower cost 90 For Life Paks but only slightly. It still has the large bottle (180 count) of the EFA, like the Classic 90 Pak but instead of Classic or Tropical Plus, Ultra Body Toddy is substituted. Many find the Classic just too robust a drink and the Tropical too lightweight. Ultra Body Toddy, on the other hand hits that “Goldilocks Spot” square on. It contains an impressive 130 different nutritional constituents and still tastes great. Read through the content list and you will be amazed.
The bottle of Ultra Body Toddy can be mixed in water at the rate of 2 Tablespoons per day. Best with a meal. Shake the bottle hard before serving and refrigerate after opening. Swallow 3 EFA gel caps with your morning meal and 3 EFA gel caps with your evening meal.*
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