Healthy Body Digestion Pak - Original

Product Details
Neither the world’s finest supplements nor the healthiest diet in the world will do you much good if your digestive system is not up to snuff. Really “we are what we eat” should be “we are what we absorb”. If you want to hit the target when it comes to self-health through smart supplementation it is best to first clear the path to that target.
Dr. Wallach’s Youngevity, 90 For Life Digestion Pak starts out with a foundational “start” pak (either peach or original) but goes on to include the specialty or “add-on” products, Ultimate Enzymes and Ultimate FloraFx. The Enzyme product contains specific enzymes for lipids (lipase), proteins (protease), etc. to support your digestive system in getting at the nutrient value of food stuffs as well as of supplements. HCL is also very important. After all, as we age, our stomach pH can go up making it difficult to disassemble food stuffs. Ultimate FloraFx is design to help support the friendly bacteria in our lower gut. Caffeine and anti-biotics, in fact a lot of different so-called “foods”, too, can disrupt our internal terrain sometimes setting the stage for yeast overgrowth (candida) and robbing us of their digestive benefit. Besides providing colonists for the colonies of good bacteria we also provide the food for those colonists (GDL).*
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